Legal Notice A & B of 7 February is Now Available New Service: Keyword Index weekly or by dates. Click for more.
Index by department was created to get a list of the board notices Published in the government gazettes. As the section evolved the potential and options increased to include all the departments like the Department of Labour, Department of Health, Department of Home Affairs and more. You can view a list of all the departments that are available throughout the government Gazette Showing you more and older notices of that department.
The overview page of the ‘Index by Department’ is a list of 21 departments displaying 10 notices ordered by the latest notices departments as published in government gazettes.
When you hover over a notice you will see the government gazette number and the publication date of the Gazette and if it is a regulation notice(purple) you will see the regulation number off the Gazette as well.
When you have clicked on a notice you will go to the product information page to view or download the Gazette containing the notice you clicked on.
If you click on a department in the overview page you will go to a page that lists only notices of that Department And you can view up to the last 75 notices published by the department.
Each notice number is also colour-coded according to the type of notice published with a link to the Gazette to view or download. Hovering with the mouse over a notice will also give you the Gazette number, the publication date and a regulation number if available. You will be directed to the product information page to view, download or print the gazette.
The product information page is the final page to view/Download/print the Government gazettes and provincial gazettes. This page shows you the option to download a single page from a gazette (if available).
The product information page will show you the date and the code of the Gazette with the size of the Gazette when available. Next to the information you will have an image That you must click on to view/download the Gazette below the index.
The product information page will also have the colour identification for all the notices that were published in that Gazette and you will have a link to view all the notices of an act Next to the department. (Refer to index by act)
After you have clicked on the image to download the Gazette You will see that the Gazette has automatically gone to the correct page of the notice you have selected on the previous page.
To download or print the Gazette you can choose from the options in the window of the Gazette in the right top corner.
List of acts by year and number for government gazettes and provincial gazettes In the list is a link to the gazette with the publication date, and department with colour-coded notice numbers.
You will see section 1 that says “Year selection”, with a list of years from 1940 up to the current year. Click on the year of the act (image).
On the following page will be a list of all the acts that were published in that year ordered by the act number. The gazette date and number are for the publication of the act.
The next page will be a list of notices published by the act you selected. The list is ordered by the latest publication at the top with a link to the gazette on the notice you are interested in. With the publication date of the notice and the link to the gazette, it also has the department and a colour-coded notice number.
The product information page will display where you will be able to view, download or print the gazette.
Index of notices, selected by act year and act number. (searching for act (66/1995)).
In section 2 of the page, “Last 20 distinct acts of notices published” you might see the act in the list, if not, click on “List 50” or “List 100” of the national acts.
The following page will only be the list of Notices according to what you selected. Click on the act name to view the notices.
The next page will be a list of notices published by the act you selected. The list is ordered by the latest publication at the top with a link to the gazette on the notice you are interested in. With the publication date of the notice and the link to the gazette, it also has the department and a colour-coded notice number.
The product information page will display where you will be able to view, download or print the gazette.
Search for a provincial notice by act number and act year in Gauteng Gazettes. (searching for act (3/1996)).
In section 2 of the page, “Last 20 distinct acts of notices published”, you will see provincial acts with all 9 provinces, select Gauteng.
The following page will only be the list of acts, only showing the act number and act year without the name of the act Click on the act (3/1996).
The next page will be a list of notices published by the act you selected. The list is ordered by the latest publication at the top with a link to the gazette on the notice you are interested in. With the publication date of the notice and the link to the gazette, it also has a colour-coded notice number.
The product information page will display where you will be able to view, download or print the gazette.
In the first example, we will explain how to search for a name change in the Government Gazettes. (searching for id no 830227).
In the first section of the page, you will see the ‘Search in Gazette’ where you should make sure that the Gazette type is “Government Gazette” in the dropdown list and then you can type in the search phrase. When searching for the ID number, should preferably only use the first 6 digits and you can also search for the name/surname of the person.
On the results page of your search, you will see on the top what you have searched for, in what type of Gazette and the Gazette year with a list of years below for more searches. Each search result will have a link with the index to the Gazette Showing you the colour-coded notice number, publication date, the Gazette number, the page number, the department and the act year and number of the notice below the ~100 characters of the gazette page.
Search through the government gazette from 2008 by selecting the year for search.
Once you have clicked on a notice, you will go to the product information page and the Gazette will download to that page of the search result.
In the second example, we will explain how to search for a J193 in the Legal Notices. (searching for id no 830227).
In the first section of the page, you will see the ‘Search in Gazette’ where you should make sure that the Gazette type is “Legal Notices” in the dropdown list and then you can type in the search phrase. Searching for the ID number, you should preferably only use the first 6 digits and you can also search for the name/surname of the person.
On the results page of your search, you will see on the top what you have searched for, in what type of Gazette and the Gazette year with a list of years below for more searches. Each search result will have a link with the index to the Gazette Showing you the publication date, the Gazette number and the page number of the notice below the ~100 characters of the Gazette page.
Search through the Legal Notice Government Gazette from 2000 by selecting the year for search.
Once you have clicked on a notice, you will go to the product information page and the Gazette will download to that page of the search result.
Note: Single pages of a gazette are only available for official legal notice publications and not for separate releases or other gazettes. (Provincial General gazettes to be included in the future)
In this example, we will explain how to search for a removal of restrictions in Gauteng, Erf 224. (searching for id no 830227).
In the first section of the page, you will see the ‘Search in Gazette’ where you should make sure that you select the correct province in the dropdown list and then you can type in the search phrase. Searching for the ERF number or notice number.
On the results page of your search, you will see on the top what you have searched for, in what type of Gazette and the Gazette year with a list of years below for more searches. Each search result will have a link with the index to the Gazette Showing you the publication date, the Gazette number and the page number of the notice below the ~100 characters of the Gazette page.
Search through the Provincial Gazettes from 2008 by selecting the year for search.
Once you have clicked on a notice, you will go to the product information page and the Gazette will download to that page of the search result.
The list by date or number is to view all the gazettes that were published by that type of Gazette you select, for instance, government gazettes.
The list of gazettes is ordered by date, by default, showing you one notice of the Gazette with a colour-coded notice number and the department of the notice with the name and link.
When you hover over a gazette link, it will show you how many notices were published in that Gazette. Clicking on the gazette link will take you to the product information page.
Our notification system is to keep you informed of all the changes happening on a weekly and monthly basis regarding the government Gazette and provincial gazettes with by-laws.
The government Gazette weekly index is part of the notification that is sent out every week on a Friday. The government gazette index have a link in the email to download the gazette, link on the gazette number, the index also gives you the departments, colour coded notices and the act year and number. The weekly index of the government gazettes will also keep you informed of the gazette number ranges for tracking.
GICS will notify you with an email every Friday containing the gazette number, date and type as soon as the gazette is available on our website.
All of the notifications can be updated under “My Profile” after you have logged in
The keyword index is an email that you can receive every week on a friday that is the same as the weekly index only with your keywords.
Keyword specific index is available for all provinces and the government gazettes in one email and multiple keywords can be added.
You can request a keyword specific email with custom dates.
Please contact us with your keywords and the gazette type that you would like to receive weekly emails of.
All the documents You may need from our company.